The Writer Turned Accidental Chatelaine

It wasn’t a long-held dream to move to France and buy a château, but that’s just what journalist Rebecca Jones and her family did. Here’s their story.

BY ELIZABETH DITTMER (Photographs: Rebecca Jones)

Nestled in the French countryside not far from Le Mans, down a long driveway bordered by tall, willowy trees on one side and lush open fields on the other, sits Château de la Ruche. It was derelict and forgotten until, in 2017, it captured the hearts of journalist Rebecca and her husband, Tim Jones.

A spur-of-the-moment decision saw them sell their four-bedroom Victorian home in England. A new life beckoned, and they purchased the tumbledown French château with six hectares of land, which they’d found on the internet.

The chateau bought by journalist Rebecca Jones
Château de la Ruche, a petit château with 14 bedrooms, was once owned by aristocrats, from whom it derives its title.

Life as a journalist and writer

Rebecca always loved reading and writing, and she adored magazines. Upon leaving school, she pondered many career options; journalism was the one she chose. She obtained a BA in English Literature and American Studies, along with a postgraduate qualification in journalism.

Rebecca gained experience working for a small health magazine, and when the editorial assistant resigned, she was offered the role. Unfortunately, the magazine closed after two years, and all the staff were made redundant. But when one door closes, another opens; while looking for a new job, Rebecca started pitching ideas to other magazines, and her freelance career took off. For the next 15 years, she freelanced for women’s magazines, specialising in health.

Freelancing also opened other doors. Since Rebecca was able to work from anywhere, she moved with Tim from London to the beautiful English countryside. Following the birth of their two boys, she took up a part-time role as features editor for the fortnightly women’s magazine Yours. She managed the features team, covering a diverse range of lifestyle topics from health, fashion, beauty and cooking to wealth and advice. At the same time, she continued her freelance writing career.

DIY renovations and freelance writing

A Google search for ‘French château for sale’ saw pages and pages of châteaux appear on Tim and Rebecca’s computer. But Château de la Ruche was the only one to capture their hearts, and in 2017 it was theirs, changing their lives forever.

Writer Rebecca and Tim with Laurie (on the left) and Rufus (on the right) soon after arriving at Château de la Ruche.

The early months in the château were overwhelming; everywhere they looked, the renovation list grew, such was the state of disrepair.

Those first 18 months were a balancing act for Rebecca. She helped Tim with the renovations, cared for their two boys and cooked for the many family members and friends who came to stay, wanting to experience life in a château. She also continued writing for Yours magazine and freelancing to bring in much-needed funds. Meanwhile, Tim worked on the renovations full-time.

The family sitting room is still on the renovations list.

Funds from the sale of their house in England dwindled rapidly. Everything cost more than they initially thought. The house had to earn its keep, so they decided to run a bed and breakfast. With willing help from family and friends, three stunning guest rooms were completed, and their luxury BnB, Château de la Ruche, opened in August 2019.

Willing help from family and friends.

Despite many challenges, including neither of them speaking fluent French, Rebecca and Tim’s love affair with Château de la Ruche grew month by month.

The birth of the TV series Château DIY

Four months after moving to France, Rebecca received a message on Instagram from Channel 4 in the UK. They were making a TV series and were interested in following their château journey. Horror filled Rebecca; she didn’t want to be on television! Tim, though, saw the business potential. So, the cameras followed them as they renovated the Honey Suite, Salon, Garden Room, Meadow Suite and kitchen. Publicity from Château DIY has contributed to the success of their business, along with Tim and Rebecca’s warm hospitality.

Writer and journalist Rebecca Jones in her kitchen.
Rebecca arranging flowers from her garden in the renovated kitchen during filming for Château DIY.

Maurice’s House

COVID lockdowns brought them close to losing everything. Rebecca wrote château newsletters, created social media posts and built mailing lists. Together, they renovated one of the original outbuildings, a carriage house, into a two-bedroom self-catering gîte they called Maurice’s House, creating additional accommodation.

The salon in Maurice’s House – once home to a former château resident called Maurice.

Writing in a new way

In 2022, Rebecca started a journal on Substack called Between, initially to keep writing and to record the experience of renovating a run-down château in the French countryside. To her surprise, more than 5,000 followers took an interest in their journey.

She says that some days it’s a challenge to find something to write about other than, ‘I had cheese for lunch and made beds again.’ She adds, ‘It has forced me to pay attention in a way I didn’t before.’

Rebecca writes her journal daily and sends out a weekly journal on Sundays. For paid subscribers, she writes an in-depth post about château life once or twice a month, along with weekly posts on social media.

She writes in a descriptive, conversational style. You feel as though you are right there, sitting in the room with her as she shares the ups and downs of running a BnB in a semi-renovated French château.

Over seven years, Rebecca and Tim have built a successful luxury BnB business. The renovation of the château is a work in progress. They aren’t in a hurry; it’s home for some time to come, perfect for a freelance journalist to continue writing, sharing their journey living and working in their very own French château.

About the Author

Elizabeth Dittmer has always had a passion for writing. Although she worked in admin for many years while raising her children, she nurtured a deep interest in interior design, beautiful fabrics, and vibrant colours. Over time, she retrained to become an interior designer. Now, Elizabeth is focusing on pursuing her writing. She also enjoys nature walks with her husband, keeps busy with craft activities, and manages the administrative tasks for her son’s two businesses. 

Elizabeth recently completed the Freelance Journalism Course at the Writers College.

Writing Articles for Websites and Blogs Course



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